Truck Upfitting Services
LZ has been upfitting trucks since 1952. Learn more about our truck upfitting services and solutions below, and contact us for more information if you have an upfit need.
Tool and Storage Boxes

Supplier: Weatherguard
Style: Saddle, side, under-the-bed, Gull-wing, etc
Dimensions: Up to 96” long, 21 cu.ft. volume
Texture and Color: white, black, metal grey, textured
Accessories: treys, bins, hooks, etc.
Road Safety

Supplier: ECCO Strobe Lights, beacons
Window screen mesh, dividers
Cab Protectors
Back up alarms and cameras

Suppliers: Weatherguard, Adrian Steel, Hackney
Available as kits or custom made specificaly for your application
Ladder Racks

Suppliers: Weatherguard, KargoMaster/Holman, Prime Design
Installed over truck bed or on/over topper​
Up to 145” long with a 1700 lb cargo capacity​
Straps and stoppers to secure the ladders or load ​
L-Z custom racks
Lift Gates

Supplier: Tommy Gate
Installation on pickup trucks, box vans, stake bodies, and flat beds​
Tuck under, G2, rail gate, dock-friendly​
Variety of lengths in platforms​
Sliding Storage

Suppliers: Decked, BedSlide
Pack-rat drawer system ​
“False door” to accommodate pipes and long objects​
Custom shelves and cabinets
Snow and Ice Management

Supplier: Western
Snowplows, v-plows, regular ​
Spreaders ​
De-Icers ​
Replacement parts ​
Fuel Transfer Tanks

Fuel Transfer tanks 50 and 90 gal
Fuel gages
Anti-theft features
Bed Slides

Suppliers: CargoGlide, BedSlide
70% and 100% extension
Combination with sliding drawers
Customized width
Up to 2000 lbs capacity